Wednesday, April 4, 2012

E-Portfolios "enable students to collect work and reflections on their learning through text, imagery, and multimedia artifacts" (Fischman, 2009). The students use multimedia to present a "student's accomplishments and activities" such as "papers, problem sets, pictures from study-abroad stints" as an "extensive resume" for potential employers(Young, 2002). The positive effects of using multimedia in this way are also similar to those of digital storytelling in that "students in ePortfolio classes...are more likely to demonstrate high degrees of engagement in critical thinking, writing, and collaborative learning"(Fischman, 2009).

Fischman, J. (2009, March 18). Electronic portfolios: A path to the future of learning [Web log post]. Retrieved February 26, 2012 from

Young, J.R. (2002, February 21). Creating online portfolios can help students see 'big picture,' colleges say. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from

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